HFQ® UK manufacturing capabilities

Impression Technologies is at the forefront of innovative manufacturing solutions, specialising in the production of high-quality components using cutting-edge technologies.

At our state-of-the-art global headquarters in Coventry, UK, Impression Technologies has the full capabilities to manufacture high-quality HFQ® automotive components for customers worldwide. Our vertically integrated manufacturing centre features:

  • Material Evaluation Centre (MEC): Equipped with world-leading understanding of aluminium hot forming, the MEC allows us to test and analyse different alloys, replicating production conditions on a small scale. Our novel biaxial and uniaxial high-temperature testing equipment provides invaluable insights into material behaviour under HFQ® (Hot Form Quench) conditions.
  • Toolroom: Featuring a 12 tonne gantry crane, our toolroom facilitates efficient tool maintenance for live customer projects. This capability eliminates the need to send tools back to specialised manufacturers for repairs, saving valuable time and cost.
  • Internal support capabilities: Our facilities boast advanced equipment for welding, fabrication, tool maintenance and repair, and general facilities maintenance, ensuring seamless operations across various production processes.
  • HFQ® production line: Installed in 2016, our HFQ® production line is a world-first innovation. Originally a PHS (Press Hardened Steel) line, it was converted to manufacture HFQ® components. Serving esteemed clients such as Aston Martin and Lotus, we have produced over 300,000 parts to date. With over 26 parts currently in production, the line is primarily utilised for technology development, prototype trials, and supporting technology transfer activities. Its flexible configuration is ideally suited to short runs of serial and prototype parts. With a press tonnage of 600 tonnes and press bed size of 3000 x 1600mm, our production line can accommodate most upper structures and limited short wheel-based battery boxes.

If you are developing new lightweight structures, our Coventry facility can provide alloy characterisation, testing, design support, prototyping and serial production, all with a high level of flexibility and support from our technical experts.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can meet your manufacturing needs with precision and reliability.